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Content Creation Software
- Comic Life Create comic books, picture books, and how tos that can saved as graphics or for use on the Internet.
- Comic Life Example A Comic Life comic covering the history of the concept of inertia.
- Crossword Weaver Creates paper and online crossword puzzles.
- Crossword Weaver Example An online crossword puzzle on the topic of forces. Java needs to be installed on your computer.
- Multimedia Fusion Excellent authoring software used to create Multimedia Science software.
- nawmal Create animated movies that can saved to You Tube. Used to be called Extranormal. New site available December 2015.
- Versal Versal is a set of Internet based tools that allow teachers to create Internet courses. While not complete by any means, Versal is a tremendous start on a course creation tool of the future.
Blended Learning
- Blended Learning Examples These pages explain the concept of bleneded learning and give a number of examples, including several online simulations. They were developed several years ago for a graduate course and some of the links are out of date and no longer work.
Games In Education
- Better Learning In Games An introduction to the core approaches used by many learning game designers.